Month: November 2016

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Black Chickpeas Benefits

Black Chickpeas Benefits for Health

Black Chickpeas Benefits: It has very low calorie. Black chickpeas are very helpful for weight loss. Potassium in chickpeas makes your bones strong and promote your mental health. It has ability to control diabetes and cholesterol.

You can use it in salads and also eat boiled as well. It is a good source of dietary fibers. It is also use as snacks to fulfill your appetite. Try to eat small cup of black chickpeas daily. It has many benefits for skin and hair health. Vitamin and zinc combination in black chickpeas helps to stop falling of your hair.

joints pain

Get Relief from Joint Pain

This may be happen in any age and there could be many reasons behind this. Weight gaining is major issue behind this. Firstly try to reduce your weight by eating healthy diet. Include right fatty acids in your diet. Get a massage.

More you should add turmeric in your meal. It helps to reduce your joints pain. Long warm shower also help you to get relief from this pain. After using all this remedies if you are unable to remove your pain then you can cope with medications for this purpose.

white hair

How to get Rid of White Hair in Young Age

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

This is very common problem in every teenage girl and boy. To avoid this try to maintain your diet. Use good quality products of your hair care. Give yourself head massage. Don’t use hair straightener and drier on daily basis.

Make a natural shampoo by boiling green or black walnuts in water. Rinse your hair with this water. Don’t apply conditioner on your scalp. Use henna instead of hair colors. Make a paste of onion and apply it on white hair. This will give you better result.

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benefits of dry fruits

Benefits of Dry Fruits

Like fresh fruit dry fruit is also very necessary and good for health. It makes your skin beautiful and provide protection you from cancer. Dry fruit has a rich source of potassium, fibers and vitamins. It maintains your hemoglobin level.

It prevent you from anemia. In winter its use is very common. It keeps you warm in winter. It helps to regenerate broken tissues and organs in the body. Eat dry fruit in a moderate way. Do not overeat.

eye infection

Eye Infection in Winter

Pink and red eyes in winter are very common issue. To avoid this you should take extra care of your eyes. Sitting in front of heater in winter makes your eyes dry. An irritation start in your eyes due to dryness. Keep your eyes moist in winter season. Use artificial tear for this purpose.

Try sitting farther away from heater. Wear sun glasses and goggles when you go outside. Because cold wind in winter is not good for eyes. If you wear lenses then wash your lenses regularly. Don’t rub your eyes with dirty hand. Wash your hands before touch your eyes.

dark spots

Remove Dark Brown Spots from your Face

Category : Beauty Tip , Today's Tip

Take a slice of lemon and put one spoon of sugar. Rub the slice of lemon on effected area and leave for 30 min. Then wash it off with cold water. You can also use buttermilk. Take some buttermilk and apply your skin with help of cotton ball. You can also use lemon with buttermilk if you have oily skin. Repeat this remedy twice a week for better result.

Apple cider vinegar is also very effective for skin problems. Add apple cider vinegar with equal amount of mineral water and apply it on your skin and wash it off after few minutes. Do this remedy daily for better result.

winter diseases

Tips to Prevent Winter Season Diseases

Category : Mens & Womens

Fluctuation and change in season doesn’t suits on every person it affects the person in every way. Especial winter season mostly affect every person. Cold, cough and flu are common problems in winter as you know and you must be familiar with the sore throat. But you can protect yourself from these seasonal winter diseases. You won’t need physician this time by using these simple kitchen remedies.

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what to eat on empty stomach

What to Eat on Empty Stomach

It is very general and common saying that breakfast is too much necessary for our health. However some people prefer to skip daily breakfast and rather to eat lunch directly. Through this harmful practice these sorts of people feel slight laziness in their regular schedule of day. From all over the world doctors and nutritional experts suggest that breakfast is really essential for physical growth of the body. The people who use to skip their daily breakfast are more vulnerable to much disease and they have question of what to eat on empty stomach and its health benefits.

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Causes of Insomnia

Causes Of Insomnia

Category : Mens & Womens

It is very common and usual thin that we lay down on bed but sleep doesn’t come to us earlier even doesn’t touch any laziness of slumber, in morning we feel state of dizziness and numbness in the body. Let’s discuss the ways to get deep sleep.  Here we will tell you Causes of Insomnia and simple ways to get rid from the load of insomnia.

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pineapple benefits

Pineapple Benefits for Healthy Life

Consuming fruits and vegetables are very helpful for your health. Pineapple prevents you from Asthma. It supports healthy immune system. Daily consumption of one pineapple slice will give you healthy skin.

It contains potassium which helps to maintain the ratio of your blood pressure.

Vitamin C in pineapple helps to combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer.